General Fitness

You may want to check out my other blog first at to get a good foundation.

Friday, January 6, 2012

increase your growth and testosterone - TRAIN LEGS


  • 10 sets of squats (increase the weight and decrease the reps each set)
  • 5 sets of 10 reps of hack squats (use a challenging weight - the last couple of reps on each set should be difficult)
  • Repeat the warm-up

Sunday, December 25, 2011

just heavy

Stretch before and after

Squats: (first two sets same weight - warm up/increase the weight each set/last three sets same weight)
  • x8 x8 x5 x3 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
Kettlebell snatches: (heaviest weight you can complete the reps)
  • x5 x5 x5 x5
  • x10
  • add 25lbs (hold with feet or use belt) x3 x3 x3
  • add 35lbs x1

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Unconventional...Brutal... Effective!: Short, Sweet, and EFFECTIVE

Unconventional...Brutal... Effective!: Short, Sweet, and EFFECTIVE: ROUND 1 (ALL PERFORMED WITH 24K KETTLEBELL - 2 WITH SWINGS AND MAN MAKERS) *Always stretch before and after working out. swings to high p...

Short, Sweet, and EFFECTIVE

ROUND 1 (ALL PERFORMED WITH 24K KETTLEBELL - 2 WITH SWINGS AND MAN MAKERS)  *Always stretch before and after working out.
    • swings to high pulls x25
    • clean to press x30 (15 each side)
    • man makers x10
    • snatches x30 (15 each side)
    • kettlebell push-ups with feet elevated x45

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Active Stretches

Workout: complete the following (break sets and reps up anyway you like and complete the exercises in any order you like) as quickly as possible
  • 24k kettlebell snatches x 100 (50 each side)
  • 24k single leg press military presses x 100 (50 each side)
  • pull-ups (NO kipping) x 50
  • push-ups x 50
TIME to beat 17 minutes 47 seconds

Static Stretches

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Unconventional...Brutal... Effective!: Train HARD to be HARD

Unconventional...Brutal... Effective!: Train HARD to be HARD: Active stretches Workout: tire flip, then jump into the tire and back out (two jumps) and repeat x 10 (400lb-500lb tire) = 10 flips and 2...

Train HARD to be HARD

Active stretches

  • tire flip, then jump into the tire and back out (two jumps) and repeat x 10 (400lb-500lb tire) = 10 flips and 20 jumps
  • kettlebell snatches 24k x 30
  • 60-90 seconds rest
  • repeat four more times (only this time, use 600-700lb tire for 5 flips and 10jumps each round)
Total reps: 240 (150 snatches, 30 flips, and 60 jumps)

Want to make it a "300" workout?  add 30 pull-ups and 30 push-ups at the end

Static stretches